What you will need:
- Lashies
- Liquid makeup remover
- Hot water
- A bowl
- Eyelash spoolie
How to:
- Start by removing residue, glue, dirt etc from the lashes, but make sure to handle the band and eyelash hair gently.
- Pour hot water and makeup remover into a bowl and leave the lashes in for 2-3 minutes. The dirt should lift off of the lashes.
- If you use makeup wipes and do not have liquid makeup remover hot water will work. (Hence it is NOT as effective)
- Gently remove the lashes from the bowl and brush them out with the spoolie helping to remove debris.
- Leave them to air dry on napkin or back in lash box.
- The lashies will dry into the shape they are left so be sure to bend them into the shape of your eye if needed.
- For best results leave to dry over night.
*This is the way I PERSONALLY clean my lashies, this may not work for everyone.
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